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Experience reservations
Booking an adventure experience is a simple process, but you may have questions you’d like clarified before finalizing your reservation. To assist you, we’ve prepared answers to the most frequently asked questions about bookings. Here you’ll learn how to use your reservation code, check availability, what to do if your preferred date is fully booked, and how to modify or cancel your reservation. Our goal is to ensure your booking process is seamless and that you can fully enjoy preparing for your adventure experience. If you have additional questions, our support team is always ready to help.
How do I book an appointment?
Booking an appointment is simple and quick. You need a valid voucher with a reservation code purchased on our website. Enter the code in the designated field to access all key information about the selected experience. If a reservation is required, fill out the form with your details, such as name, surname, email, and preferred date. If no reservation is needed, visit the location during working hours. After successfully booking, you will be informed about all experience details in time.
How do I get a reservation code?
You receive the reservation code with every purchase of an experience on our website. After completing the order, the code will be sent to your email address along with a gift voucher containing the reservation code and all other necessary information if you decide to give the experience as a gift.
Can I book an appointment without a reservation code?
Unfortunately, you cannot book an appointment without a reservation code. If you are in a hurry to make a reservation for today, you can use payment by card or PayPal to receive the code immediately via email and book your appointment right away.
Can I book an appointment with a value gift voucher?
You cannot book an appointment directly with the code on a value gift voucher. You must first use the value voucher to purchase the desired experience. After completing the purchase, you will receive a code to book your appointment immediately.