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What is the difference between a value voucher and an experience-specific voucher?
A value voucher contains an amount that can be used to purchase any experience on our website. The code on the value voucher is entered at checkout, and the voucher’s value is deducted. After completing the purchase, you will receive all the necessary information to book your experience, along with the voucher details that can be used for booking or gifted to a third party. Each experience-specific voucher is valid for one year from the date of purchase. With a value voucher, you cannot book a date directly; you must first purchase the desired experience and then use the provided information to book a date. Value vouchers cannot be extended, as three years is sufficient time to choose any experience on the website.
An experience-specific voucher already includes the name of the experience and a reservation code that allows you to book your date. If the experience does not suit you, you can exchange the voucher. If you cannot use the experience within the voucher’s validity period, you can also extend it.